Csv Output Format For Co2calc For Mac

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We have data exports from two different systems. We use vboexport, to export data from Drupal and for Moodle there is a similar module. We take these two XLS exports and put them in excel so we can do some data massaging before converting to csv. On a mac, we convert the finished excel into a csv. This works just fine on a mac and when we open it up, the values all display.

However, when we share this output with other team members who use windows, they notified us that all the drupal data was absent. Easy replication steps (tested on Windows 10 Excel 2013). modules installed: webform, webformview, & vboexport. have a view created with vbo export to xlsx. On a pc with excel, download the results. Save the results as csv.

Reopen the results to see blank data. @graber thanks for following up with me.

Csv Output Format For Co2calc For Machine Learning

So I guess there's a couple of things to think about in terms how my webform submissions are getting into these csvs. Here are all the contact points:. user submits webform. webformviews renders into view.

vboexports grabs view data and sends to phpexcel. phpexcel renders the data into xlsx format I can confirm that the data in the database is pristine. When I look at the view the above outputs are based on, I see the data rendered correctly. One thing I do find a bit odd is when I export the data in xlsx, each field seems to have a line break or space after the value. This is what is leading me to an encoding issue or random cruft.

Regarding the mac screenshot above, I was trying to call out that odd formatting of the rows that were merged in from the vboexport. Here is a new screenshot with those rows highlighted. or to post comments.