Album Artwork Management In Tag Editor For Mac
The software edit text metadata and manage up to several artworks at file. AuI ConverteR is audio multitool and include (depend on ):. Metadata editor (available as ) The converter export metadata from source to target files (WAV, FLAC, mp3, DSF, AIFF.). Metadata editor have access to metadata fields:. performer,.
album name,. year,. track name,. track number,. genre,. catalog number,.
artworks,. other AuI ConverteR capable to manually assing album artworks in. For some kinds of audio files (DSF, FLAC, mp3, WAV, AIFF.) AuI ConverteR export metadata from source to target files. If source files donĀ“t contains artworks, AuI ConverteR pick up artworks from image files (cover., front., folder. png/jpg/tiff) in source file directories.
AuI ConverteR is able to manage artworks:. add atrwork of specified type (album front cover, band photo, etc.),. delete artwork,. auto limit artwork size to user specified value.
Album Artwork Management In Tag Editor For Mac Download
ID3 Editor for Macintosh and Windows ID3 Editor is a small and simple MP3 and AIFF ID3 tag editor, which offers the ability to edit the most wanted attributes of the ID3 tags in one window. Although iTunes offers a good interface for editing tags, it does have a few important attributes missing, e.g. 'copyright' and 'encoded by' which is where ID3 Editor saves the day. MP3 ID3 tags are used to store important information of a music track, such as the track 'title', track 'number', 'artist', 'album' etc. And even the track artwork.
The information can then be displayed in your favourite MP3 player application or on your portable player such as an iPod, a Walkman or other music hardware. Editing groups Editing albums or large groups of similar tracks is made easy by the group editor. This opens all of the loaded tracks into one window rather than opening them individually and shows only the fields that are the same in all of the tracks. This means you can edit those fields that have common attributes, such as 'artist', 'album', 'copyright' and 'artwork' in one go by only changing the fields that are selected, this also means there is no repetitive task of typing the same information over and over again. You can even copy data between the group editor and the single editor which is useful if you want to change multiple tracks to be similar to another or copy default track fields to a single track.
Main features Adds or changes ID3 version 1(.1) and 2(.2/.3/.4) tags. Works with MP3 version 1 and 2. Simple to use interface. Easily copies and pastes all the tag information. Adds artwork such as album covers and can add song lyrics. Multiple tracks can easily be edited.
Cleans version 2 tags by removing invalid and unused tag information. Option to remove V1 and V2 tags. Can change the title and track number based on the file name. Can rename the track file based on the track and title. No bloat, just small and simple.
Supports Unicode (version 2 tags) and Latin 1 character sets. Auto-versioning for compatibility with older systems.
Supports AIFF files. ID3 Editor reaches the parts that iTunes CAN NOT reach. QS Disclaimer 4.6.17 is now available.
This version adds a group based option to send a copy to the sender. ID3 Editor 1.26.43 is now available. This version adds native x64 support which is required by 10.13.6 or newer. Disc Image Professional 2.3.1 is now available. This upgrade adds multi-user support and fixes a Vista mount issue. RTF to HTML converter 1.2.11 is now available.
This version fixes a colour table issue. MSAD Login 3.1.0 is now available.
This version includes TLS and Kerberos support. Archive SE 1.1.5 is now available. This upgrade adds support for Tar and BZip2.